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  The standard factory premises lease rental agreement of ****** Limited Company of Hangzhou


  Lessor (hereinafter called party A) :**********.


  Lessee (hereinafter called party B):********


  According to Contract Law of PRC and other regulations, the two parties through consultation hereby agree upon,and shall be bound by,the following terms:

  第一条 甲方出租的厂房位于杭州******工业园区一号厂房,一至二层及办公用房。

  Article 1: The leasing item is the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor and some offices located in******* District of Hangzhou.

  第二条 租赁期限共五年。租赁从2007年9月1日至2012年8月30日止。

  Article 2: Lease term is five years from September 1, 2007 to August 30, 2012.

  第三条 一号厂房一至二层面积共计________平方米。每平方米租金为_______元人民币每年。办公用房共计_______平方米,年租金为__________元人民币。租金合计为 元人民币每年。

  Article 3: The area of the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor is _________square meters and the rent of which is_________per square meter every year. The area of offices is_________square meters and the rent of which is ______yuan in RMB.

  The above rent adds up to RMB ________yuan a year.

  第四条 租金全年共计________ 元人民币,平均每月为_________元。

  Article 4: The rent is RMB_______yuan per year and RMB _________yuan per month on average.

  第五条 乙方必须按时向甲方缴纳租金,先支付后使用,第一次租金支付方式:本协议签订之日起三日内付一季度租金。

  Article 5: Party B should pay rent to party A at the prescribed time before putting into use. The rent of the first three months shall be paid within 3 days from the day on which this agreement is reached.

  第六条 其余需租赁的厂房面积按实际使用结算。

  Article 6: The rent and other fees of the rest of the factory premises if used are paid according to the actual area which is used.

  第七条 乙方用电容量应控制在每平方米_______以内,用水量应控制在 吨/月。在此范围内,乙方按__________元/千瓦/小时按月向甲方缴纳电费,水电费乙方应在每月30日前向甲方缴纳。在此范围以外,乙方承担因超出范围用水、电所产生的一切后果,并赔偿甲方因此造成的损失。如未给甲方造成损失的,则超出部分水电费及罚款乙方按政府有关部门的规定缴纳。乙方使用的电费按国家电价规定每月按实支付给甲方。

  Article 7: Power utilization shall be within the electric capacity of ________every square meter, utilization of water should be within ________tons every month. Within the above scope, party B pays the electricity bills every month by the rate of RMB ______ yuan KWH(kilowatt-hour) which shall be paid at the latest on every 30th. Beyond the scope, then party B shall undertake all the responsibilities and make up the loss of party A which is caused by overuse of power and water. If party A suffers no disadvantageous result from it, then party B pays the fines, the charge of water and electricity by the regulations of related government departments. The charge of power that party B pays party A according to the national standard every month is settled to his actual usage.



