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日食 eclipse (The eclipse provides a crucial opportunity to fight superstitions by raising awareness to remove the fears foisted by some people and electronic media. 这次日食为我们提供了反对迷信、提高意识破除一些人和电子媒体灌输恐惧心理的重要机会。)

社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace

荣誉权 right of fame

荣誉权 right of fame

融资渠道 financing channels

荣誉称号 title of honour

入党申请书 Party membership applicat ion

入股 buy into 入

境旅游 inbound tourism

入境问俗,入乡随俗 When in Rome do as the Romans do.

入境限制 entry ban (The Chinese government announced on Tuesday the lifting of the 20-year-old ban on entry for foreigners with HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and leprosy. 中国政府本周二宣布,取消对艾滋病病毒携带者,以及患有性病、麻疯病等疾病的外国人实行了 20 年的入境限制政策。)

入水时水花很少 clean entry

入网许可证 network access license

入账 enter an item in an account or to enter into the account book 入住 be

opened for occupancy

软包装 soft-packing

软环境 soft environment

软科学 soft science

软盘 floppy disk

软新闻 soft news

软着陆 soft landing

软肋 soft spot; Achilles'heel

软实力 soft power


入场 march in (More than 4000 athletes started to march in the National Stadium at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Paralympics Saturday night. 6日晚,在国家体育场举行的残奥会开幕式上,4000 多名运动员开始入场。)

瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.

弱肉强食法则 law of the jungle

弱势群体 disadvantaged groups

弱势群体 vulnerable groups ("Also, public attitude is inclined to sympathize with vulnerable groups," Xie said, adding that public opinion would eventually influence public policy. 上海发展战略研究所谢耘耕说:“而且,公众态度倾向于同情弱势群体。”他补充说,舆论将最终影响国家政策。)

入 住 率 occupancy rate (Latest statistics indicated the occupancy rate of Shanghai hotels is currently sitting at 40%, a sharp decline from the same period last year. 最新数据表明,上海酒店入住率目前仅为 40%,比去年同期大幅下降。)

赛季 sports competition season

塞翁失马,焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing.

三八红旗手 woman pace-setter

三八线 38th Parallel

360 度环幕电影 Circamara

三班倒 three shifts

三步走战略 the three-step development strategy

三产 tertiary industry

三大法宝 the three main and effective method

三大作风 the Party's three important styles of work (integrat ing theory with practice, forging close links with the masses and practicing self-crit icism) 三废

(废气、废水、废渣) “three wastes ”(waste gas, waste water and waste residues)

三分钟热度 brief period of enthusiasm

三高农业 "three highs" agriculture (high yield, high quality and high efficiency agriculture)

三 个 代 表 three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)

三个有利于 three favorables (whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society, increases the overall strenth of the socialist state and raises the people's living standards

三股企业 three-share enterprises—enterprises whose shares are purchased by government departments, local authorities and other enterprises

《三国演义》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

三好学生 merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health)

散户 retail / private investor

三讲教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct); stress the need to study, to be political-minded and to be honest and upright

"三讲" 教育 "Three Emphasis" Education

三角恋爱 love triangle

三角债 chain debt

散客 individual traveler

山不在高,有仙则名 "No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy; "

闪电战 blitz; lightning war

闪客 flash


山姆大叔 Uncle Sam

煽情 arouse one's enthusiasm or fervor

山体滑坡 mountain landslide

闪存卡 flash memory card

商办工业企业 industrial enterprises run by commercial units

上班时间 office hour

商标冒用 trade mark infringement

商标条款 brand clause

商标专利权 exclusive right to use trademark

商潮 business wave

上岗 go to one's post; go on duty

上岗证 work license

上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

上海合作组织秘书处 Secretariat of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

上海五国第六次峰会 the sixth summit of Shanghai Five

上海五国机制 the Shanghai Five mechanism

商检局 Commodity Inspection Bureau

商界 the business circle 上马 start a project

上门服务 door-to-door service

上门推销员 knocker

商品步行街 shopping mall

商品储备 commodity supply

商品房 commercial residential building

商品房空置 the vacancy problem in commercial housing


商业街 commercial street; business district

商业网点和设施 commodity network and facility

商业网点 commodity network

商业信贷原则 principles for commercial credit

商业预测 business forecasting

上有天堂,下有苏杭 "Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth."

上访者 petitioner (Authorities in Gansu have put the protest under control after a group of petitioners attacked local government buildings Monday night. 17 日晚,甘肃省陇南发生上访者冲击市委机关群体性事件,目前事态已得到控制。)

上火 suffer from too much internal heat

上门服务 visit ing service

商务出境 outbound tour for commercial affairs

上证指数(上海证券交易所指数) SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Composite Index

哨兵 sentry. (A sentry on duty outside a garrison in Gaoxin District of Chongqing was shot dead by unidentified attacker(s). 位于重庆市高新区的某驻渝部队营房哨兵遭持枪歹徒袭击身亡。)

扫黄运动 anti-porn drive

少林功夫 Shaolin Kung Fu. (Shaolin Kung Fu will be featured in a cultural event held by the United Nat ions Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris in May, the China News Service reported Monday.据中新社16 日报道,今年 5 月,联合国教科文组织将在总部巴黎举办"文化多样性活动周",中国少林功夫应邀参加。)

少 数 服 从 多 数 、 下 级 服 从 上 级 、 局 部 服 从 全 体 、 全 党 服 从 中 央 "the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee "

少数民族地区 regions inhabited by ethnic groups

社保体系 social welfare system (China plans to invest 5.74 trillion yuan by 2020 in building an all-round social welfare system to enhance people's livelihoods, according to the China Development Research Foundation, a government think-tank. 政府智囊机构中国发展研究基金会表示,我国计划在 2020 年前投入 5.74 万亿人民币用于建设覆盖城乡的社会保障体系,提高人民的生活水平。)

社会保障制度 social security system

社会保障支出 expenditure for social security

社会保障基金 social security funds

社会福利彩票 social welfare lotteries

社会公众利益 interests of the general public

社会化服务体系 socialized service system; social service system


★ 口译经典名著学翻译:《傲慢与偏见》系列二

★ 2020年翻译资格考试中级口译精选词汇

★ 翻译资格考试中级口译复习讲义

★ 英语翻译


