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1. 雅思小作文写作结构搭建:

(1) 第一段的introduction:直接改写题目——句型主动改被动或是反之,单词可做稍微替换,虽然说改写比较简单,但是这一步骤缺一不可。一定要改写题目,一定不能照抄。

(2) 第二段的overview:图表中,你最先看到的,最最明显的特征,你这里可以做以下稍微的总结,因为怕你后面没时间进行总结,小作文的时间最多只有20分钟,要放在大作文后面写,很多时候大作文会占据大于40分钟的时间,那么你的小作文时间就会来不及,那么在这里你对于最最明显的特征进行总结,就算到后面没时间,也不会因为没有对图表特征进行总结而扣分。

(3) 第三段的details:图表所提供的信息就是需要你进行对比的。对比分两种:纵向和横向。纵向是跟自己比,比之前自己增长了,还是下降了;横向比是跟别人比,跟比人比我是第一还是最后。图表中的数据信息,你无需所有的数据都写在你的文中里,只需要特征明显的,比如位于首位,位于最后这种,还有就是一定要进行对比。

(4) 如果你前面的overview段有总结了,就无需再来个结尾段了,不过要是有时间,你也可以进行一句话的结尾。

2. 雅思小作文素材积累


时期:from…to, between…and, over/ during the period from 1995 to 2005=over/during the period of one decade

上升:go up, climb, grow, rise, increase, ascend, show an upward trend=show an increasing/rise trend

表明/揭示:show/reveal/indicate/reflect/present/describe/illustrate/demonstrate/compare/give information about + n

缓慢、逐渐:slow, slowly=gradually=steadily=consistently=step by step,contious

迅速:rapid, quick, swift,sudden, sharp, dramatic

小幅度:slight(ly), modest(ly), moderate(ly), marginal(ly)

大幅度、明显:sharp,drastic, considerable, noticeable, marked, dramatic, significant, substantially,

下降:fall, go down, drop, decrease, decline, descend, dip, dipped, show a downward trend, plummet, plunge

波动:fluctuate, fluctuation,eg: rise with some fluctuation, go up and down=be unstable/flexible=be in instability/flexibility

保持平稳、不变:level out/off at + n=stabilize / hover at + n= reach a plateau at + n

Stay/keep/remain/maintain + stable/ unchanged/constant at+ n

大约:about,around, almost, nearly, roughly, approximately, just over/under…,… or so

达到最大值:reach the maximum=reach the peak/summit/culmination at + n=peak/summit/culminate at…=reach the highest point at

达到最小值: reach the minimum=reach/touch the bottom at…=bottom out at…=reach the lowest point at…

补充:according to = in accordance with= based in= in terms of =in the light of = in line with

Comparing…=compared with/to…=in comparison with…= different from…

While, whilst, whereas, yet

To conclude, in conclusion=to summarize, in summary=to sum up=all in all =overall

3. 雅思小作文写作训练





Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not?

Model Answer:

As human population is significantly rising every year, people's requirements are increasing too. We need more food, more machines, more place to live. As a result of this people need more land to satisfy their requirements. We cultivate and irrigate more and more land to plant vegetables, build new buildings, airports, roads, etc. I think sometimes we forget that we are not alone on this planet. I have to disagree with those people who think that human needs are more important than saving land for endangered animals. I base my opinion on the following points.

First of all, as I already mentioned, we are not alone on this planet. A few centuries ago we were the part of wild nature. I think we need to remember this fact and respect all creatures around us.

Second of all, I believe that we all need to think of the problem of overpopulation. The human population is dramatically increasing and we have to do something about it. From my opinion, every family should have no more than two children. It will help to stop the growth of population, decrease human needs for farmland, housing and industry.

In conclusion, I think it is a very topical question nowadays. My point is that all people should answer this question and find the solution.


Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water.

Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved.

Model Answer:

As human's population is dramatically rising every year, people's requirements are increasing too. We need more food, more fresh water, more places to live. As a result of this many parts of the world are losing essential and sometimes irreplaceable resources, such as forest, animals, or fresh water. In this essay I will focus on the threat of disappearing many wild animals.

The reason why I think that animals should be preserved is that all living creatures on this planet are connected with each other. So, the disappearance of only one species can cause dramatic changes in the planet and even death of many other living creatures. For example, the disappearance of bats will cause the huge increasing of insect population and this will reflect on all animals and plants. Another example is that if the population of bats increases, the population of insects will decrease significantly, and this will cause the disappearance of many plants because insects are the main pollinators. So, I think it is very important to preserve all species on our planet and live in harmony with our environment.

Another important reason why I think that animals should be saved is that I, personally, do not want my child to learn about different animals from books and not be able to see them alive. I think it is shameful for humankind to explain our children that we are the reason why those animals disappeared.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the issue about losing important natural resources is topical and open for debate nowadays. I believe that together people can make a difference. From my point of view, the first problem we should find a solution for is human's overpopulation. As I mentioned above people's demands are growing and this means we consume more and more natural resources. The second question, which is on the list of most important issues, is pollution including the air pollution, water pollution, etc.


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★ 2020高频雅思听力题型的解题方法


