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In life we are happiest when...


A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a large celebration.


All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations. All had a wonderful time.


The bride was gorgeous in her white wedding gown and the groom was very dashing in his black tuxedo. Everyone could tell that the love they had for each other was true.


A few months later, the wife came to the husband with a proposal, "I read in a magazine, a while ago, about how we can strengthen our marriage," she offered. "Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit annoying with the other person. Then, we can talk about how we can fix them together and make our lives happier together."


The husband agreed. So each of them went to a separate room in the house and thought of the things that annoyed them about the other. They thought about this question for the rest of the day and wrote down what they came up with.


The next morning, at the breakfast table, they decided that they would go over their lists


"I'll start," offered the wife. She took out her list. It had many items on it, enough to fill 3 pages. In fact, as she started reading the list of the little annoyances, she noticed that tears were starting to appear in her husband's eyes.


"What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing," the husband replied, "keep reading your list."


The wife continued to read until she had read all three pages to her husband. She neatly placed her list on the table and folded her hands over the top of it.


"Now, you read your list and then we'll talk about the things on both of our lists," she said happily.


Quietly the husband stated, "I don't have anything on my list. I think that you are perfect the way that you are. I don't want you to change anything for me. You are lovely and wonderful and I wouldn't want to try and change anything about you."


The wife, touched by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his acceptance of her, turned her head and wept.


In life, there are enough times when we are disappointed, depressed and annoyed. We don't really have to go looking for them. We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty, light and promise. Why waste time in this world looking for the bad, disappointing or annoying when we can look around us, and see the wondrous things before us?



As Anman sat brooding and pining for his lost self, one of Swimmer’s creekside stories rushed into his memory with a great urgency and attractiveness. Swimmer claimed that above the blue vault of heaven there was a forest inhabited by a celestial race. Men could not go there to stay and live, but in that high land the dead spirit could be reborn. Swimmer described it as far and inaccessible region, but he said the highest mountains lifted their dark summits into its lower reaches. Signs and wonders both large and small did sometimes make transit from that world to our own. Animals, Swimmer said, were its primary messengers. Inman had pointed out to Swimmer that he had climbed Cold Mountain to its top, and Pisgah and Mount Sterling as well. Mountains did not get much higher than those, and Inman had seen no upper realm from their summits.


There’s more to it than just the climbing, Swimmer had said. Though Inman could not recall whether Swimmer had told him what else might be involved in reaching that healing realm, Cold Mountain nevertheless soared in his mind as a place where all his scattered forces might gather. Inman did not consider himself to be a superstitious person, but he did believe that there is a world invisible to us. He no longer thought of that world as heaven, nor did he still think that we get to go there when we die. Those teachings had been burned away. But he could not abide by a universe composed only of what he could see, especially when it was so frequently foul. So he held up to the idea of another world, a better place, and he figured he might as well consider Cold Mountain to be the location of it as anywhere.



"Are you happy?" I asked my brother, Ian, one day.

"Yes. No. It depends on what you mean," he said.

"Then tell me," I said, "when was the last time you think you were happy?"

"April 1967," he said.





It served me right for putting a serious question to someone who has joked his way through life. But Ian's answer reminded me that when we think about happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, a pinnacle of sheer delight. And those pinnacles seem to get rarer the older we get.


For a child, happiness has a magical quality. I remember making hide-outs in newly cut hay, playing cops and robbers in the woods, getting a speaking part in the school play. Of course, kids also experience lows, but their delight at such peaks of pleasure as winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved.


In the teenage years, the concept of happiness changes. Suddenly it's conditional on such things as excitement, love, popularity and whether that zit will clear up before a prom night. I can still feel the agony of not being invited to a party that almost everyone else was going to. But I also recall the ecstasy of being plucked from obscurity at another event to dance with a John Travolta look-alike.


In adulthood the things that bring profound joy - birth, love, marriage - also bring responsibility and the risk of loss. Love may not last, loved ones die. For adults, happiness is complicated.

成年时,能带来深深欢乐的事情(如出生、爱情和婚姻),同时也带来了责任和失去的危险。爱情也许难以持 久;心爱的人也许会离开人世。对于成年人来说,幸福是复杂的。

My dictionary defines happy as "lucky" or "fortunate", but I think a better definition of happiness is "the capacity for enjoyment". The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are. It's easy to overlook the pleasure we get from loving and being loved, the company of friends, the freedom to live where we please, even good health.

我的字典把幸福定义为“幸运”或“好运”。但是我想幸福更好的定义是“享受的能力”。我们越 能享受所拥有的一切,我们就越幸福。从爱与被爱、友情、随心所欲择地而居、甚至到拥有的健康,其中获得的快乐很容易被我们忽视了。

I added up my little moments of pleasure yesterday. First there was sheer bliss when I shut the last lunchbox and had the house to myself. Then I spent an uninterrupted morning writing, which I love. When the kids came home, I enjoyed their noise after the quiet of the day.


You never know where happiness will turn up next. When I asked friends what makes them happy, some mentioned seemingly insignificant moments. "I hate shopping," one friend said. "But there's this clerk who always chats and really cheers me up."


Another friend loves the telephone. "Every time it rings, I know someone is thinking about me."


We all experience moments like these. Too few of us register them as happiness.


While happiness may be more complex for us, the solution is the same as ever. Happiness isn't about what happens to us; it's about how we perceive what happens to us. It's the knack of finding a positive for every negative, and viewing a set-back as a challenge. It's not wishing for what we don't have, but enjoying what we do possess.



A Great Friendship


Thomas Jefferson and James Madison met in 1776. Could it have been any other year? They worked together starting then to further the American Revolution and later to shape the new scheme of government. From that work sprang a friendship perhaps incomparablein intimacy and the trustfulness of collaboration and indurations. It lasted 50 years. It included pleasure and utility but over and above them, there were shared purpose, a common end and an enduring goodness on both sides. Four and a half months before he died, when he was ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his impoverishedfamily, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend. His words and Madison's reply remind us that friends are friends until death. They also remind us that sometimes a friendship has a bearing on things larger than the friendship itself, for has there ever been a friendship of greater public consequence than this one?

托马斯·杰斐逊和詹姆斯·麦迪逊相识于1776年。为什么偏偏是这一年呢?当时他们开始共同努力推动美国 革命,后来又一同为政府拟订新草案。在这些合作中孕育出的友谊是亲密无间、信诚以托、坚不可摧的。这份友谊维持了五十年。当中包含有欢乐,有协作,他们更 志同道合地朝共同的目标迈进,历经多年从不间断地令彼此受益。在离开人世前四个半月时,杰斐逊重病在身,债台高筑,并为家庭的贫困感到忧心如焚,于是他提 笔给这位知交好友写了封信。从他的信以及麦迪逊的回复中,我们可以看到:这两个朋友是一生之交;并且有时候,他们之间的友情意义之大更超越了友情本身,这 份友谊给大众带来的深远影响是前所未有的。

"The friendship which has subsisted between us now half a century, the harmony of our political principles and pursuits have been sources of constant happiness to me through that long period. It's also been a great solace to me to believe that you're engagedin vindicating to posterity the course that we've pursued for preserving to them, in all their purity, their blessings of self-government, which we had assisted in acquiring for them. If ever the earth has beheld a system of administration conducted with a single and steadfast eye to the general interest and happiness of those committed to it, one which, protected by truth, can never know reproach, it is that to which our lives have been devoted. Myself, you have been a pillar of support throughout life. Take care of me when dead and be assured that I shall leave with you my last affections." (Feb 17, 1826)

“你我之间的友谊迄今已经走过了半个世纪,我们在政治原则与追求上取得的协调在过去的漫漫岁月中为我带来 了源源不断的快乐。我感到一大安慰的是,我相信你还在兢兢业业地致力于造福子孙后代的事业——这份事业我们曾为他们争取过,我们也努力要把他们透明自治的 优良体制流传下去。希望这世界上有一种治理制度,在执行的时候专门有坚定不移的一只眼睛来审视它,监护大众利益和为之奋斗者的幸福,建立在真理基础上的制 度将永远与责难无缘,我们一生所致力的也正在这里。我自己,还有你,毕生都为此鼎力支持。请你照顾我的身后之事,也请相信,我的友情永远和你同在。” (1826年2月17日)

A week later Madison replied--


"You cannot look back to the long period of our private friendship and political harmony with more affecting recollections than I do. If they are a source of pleasure to you, what aren't they not to be to me? We cannot be deprived of the happy consciousness of the pure devotion to the public good with which we discharge the trust committed to us and I indulgea confidence that sufficient evidence will find its way to another generation to ensure, after we are gone, whatever of justice may be withheld whilst we are here."

“在过去的漫长岁月中,你我的友谊与一致的政治观,总令我在回想时心中无比感动。它们为你带来欢乐,对我 又何尝不是如此?我们肩负人民的信任,为大众福利鞠躬尽瘁,从中获得的幸福感是难以泯灭的。我坚信,无论当前对我们的评判怎样,我们的一切贡献,身后的下 一代人必将给予公断。”


The big rocks


One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. As he stood in front of the group of high-powered over-achievers he said, "Okay, time for a quiz.” Then he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouthed Mason jar and set it on the table in front of him. He then produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, "Is the jar full?" Everyone in the class said, "Yes."


He replied, "Really?"


He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel, then dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the big rocks.


He asked the group once more, "Is the jar full?"


By this time the class was on to him. "Probably not," one of them answered.


"Good!" he replied.


He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, "Is the jar full?"


"No!" the class shouted.


Once again he said, "Good!"


Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, "What is the point of this illustration?" One eager student raised her hand and said, "The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in!"


"Good answer, but no," the speaker replied, "that's not my point. The truth this illustration teaches us is: If you don't put the big rocks in first, you'll never get them in at all. What are the 'big rocks" in your life? In my life they are my children... my wife... my loved ones... my education... my dreams... charities and worthy causes... teaching or mentoring others... doing things that I love... time for myself... my health... Remember to put these BIG ROCKS in first or you'll never get them in at all."

“回答得好,不过,”专家说:“这不是我想说的。这个例子告诉我们一个事实:如果你不是先放大石块,以后 它们就永远摆不进去。你生活中的‘大石块’是什么呢?在我的生活中,那就是我的孩子、妻子、所爱的人、学习、梦想、善行和有价值的事业、教导他人、做我喜欢做的事、留给自己的时间、健康,等等。要记住,必须先放‘大石块’,否则它们都放不进去。”

If you sweat the little stuff then you'll fill your life with little things to worry about that don't really matter, and you'll never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big, important stuff :the big rocks.



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