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matter [?m?t?] v. 重要,要紧,有关系

What’s the matter? 怎么了?出什么事了?

sore [s?:(r)] adj. 疼痛的,酸痛的

have a cold 感冒

stomach ['st?m?k] n. 胃,腹部

stomachache ['st?m?ke?k] n. 胃痛,腹痛

have a stomachache 胃痛

foot(复数feet) [fu:t] n. 脚

neck [nek] n. 颈,脖子

throat [θr??t] n. 喉咙

fever ['fi:v?] n. 发烧,发热

lie [la?] v. 躺,平躺

lie down 躺下

rest [rest] n. 剩余部分,其余;放松,休息

cough [k?f] n. & v. 咳嗽

X-ray ['eksre?] n. X光,X射线

toothache [?tu:θe?k] n. 牙痛

take one's temperature 量体温

headache [?hede?k] n. 头痛

have a fever 发烧

break [bre?k] n. & v. 休息,暂停;打破

take breaks (take a break) 休息

hurt [h?:t] v. 伤害,损害,使受伤,疼

passenger ['p?s?nd??] n. 乘客,旅客

off [?f] adv. prep. 离开(某处);从…去掉

get off 下车

to one's surprise 使…惊讶,出乎…意料

onto [??nt?] prep. 向,朝

trouble [?tr?bl] n. 麻烦,烦扰,问题

hit [hit] n. & v. 碰撞,打,打击

right away 立即,马上

get into 陷入,参与

herself [h?:?self]她自己,她本身(she的反身代词)

bandage ['b?nd?d?] n. & v. 绷带;用绷带包扎

sick [s?k] adj. 患病的,不适的

knee [ni:] n. 膝盖

nosebleed [?n??zbli:d] n. 鼻出血

breathe [bri:?] v. 呼吸

sunburned [?s?nb?:nd] adj. 晒伤的

ourselves [ɑ:?selvz]我们自己(we的反身代词)

climber [?kla?m?(r)] n. 登山者

be used to 习惯于… 适应于…

risk [r?sk] n. & v. 风险,危险;冒险

take risks (take a risk) 冒险

accident [??ksid?nt] n. 意外事件;事故

situation [?sitju?ei??n] n. 状况,形式,情况

kg=kilogram [?k?l?gr?m] n. 公斤,千克

rock [r?k] n. 岩石

run out (of) 用尽,耗尽

knife [naif] n. 刀,餐刀

cut off 切除

blood [bl?d] n. 血

mean [mi:n] v. 意味着,意思是,意欲

get out of 离开,从… 出来

importance [?m?p?:tns] n. 重要性

decision [d?'s??n] n. 决心,决定,抉择

control [k?n'tr??l] v. 控制,支配,操纵

be in control of 掌管,管理

spirit ['sp?r?t] n. 勇气,意志

death [deθ] n. 死亡

give up 放弃

nurse [n?:s] n. 护士

Judy 朱迪(女名)

Nancy 南希(女名)

Mandy 曼迪(女名)

Aron Ralston 阿伦·罗尔斯顿

Utah 尤他州(美国)


1. It’s +形容词 + for sb. + to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是…的。

It’s important to do sth. 做某事很重要。

It’s important for me to eat a balanced diet. 平衡饮食对我来说是很重要的.

It’s easy to do sth. 做某事是容易的。

It’s easy for us to find out the answer. 找出答案对我们来说是容易的。

2. 情态动词should的用法



eg. ---I have a very bad cold. 我感冒很厉害。

---You should lie down and have a rest. 你应该躺下,多喝水。

3. maybe与may be

(1)maybe是副词,译为“也许、可能”,相当于“perhaps”。如:Maybe he can answer the question. 也许他能回答那个问题。

He maybe is from the USA, too. 他可能也来自美国。

(2)may be中的may为情态动词,译为“可能是......”。如:

He may be from the USA, too. 他可能也来自美国。

She may be our English teacher. 她可能是我们的英语老师。

4. few、a few、little、a little的区别和联系:

(1)few / a few用来修饰可数名词,few表示否定意义,没有,几乎没有;a few表示肯定意义, 有几个。例如:

He has few friends here, he feels lonely. 他这里没朋友,他感觉寂寞。

There are a few eggs in the basket. 篮子里有几个鸡蛋。

(2)little / a little用来修饰不可数名词,little表示否定意义,没有,几乎没有; a little 表示肯定意义,有一点儿。例如:

There is little ink in my bottle. Can you give me a little ink? 我的瓶子里没有墨水了,你能给我点儿墨水吗?

5. not…until 直到…(否定句) 才......,动词为短暂性或瞬间性动词。

She didn’t leave until we came.

He went shopping after he got up.

=He didn’t go shopping until /before he got up.

...until/till 直到......(肯定句)动词为延续性动词

We stayed here till/until 12 o’clock.


一. 单项选择(共15小题,计15分)

( )1. — Where will you live? — I will live ________ a space station.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

( )2. There ________ an English film this evening.

A. will B. is going to have C. is going to be D. will have

( )3. —What do you usually have for breakfast?

—_______milk and _____eggs.

A. A little;a few B. A little;a little

C. A few;a little D.A few;a few

( )4. Beijing is a very beautiful city. I fell in love ____ it when I came here.

A. with B. at C. for D. as

( )5.Though the old man lives _______, he doesn’t feel _________.

A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. alone, alone D. lonely; lonely

( )6. They have________ work today and they’ll have________ tomorrow.

A. more;more B. much;much C. much;more D. many;more

( )7. —When________ you _______here? —In a month.

A. will;moving B. do;move C. will;move D. did;move

( )8. There is ____ milk in this glass than in that one.

A. less B. little C. least D. fewer

( )9. I _______him as soon as he _______ back.

A. will tell;will come B. tell;will come

C. tell;comes D. will tell;comes

( )10. He seems________. A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. to happy

( )11. We have to wear _____ uniform to school. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )12. _______ students went to the zoo last Sunday.

A. Two hundred B. Two hundred of C. Hundreds C. Hundred of

( )13. Japanese companies have already made robots _______.

A. to walk and dance B. walking and dancing C. walk and dance D. walked and danced

( )14. The prediction that computers will be used at home has __________.

A. come over B. come true C. come along D. come out

( )15. —Do you think that there will be more trees in the mountain. —___

A. I hope so. B. I hope not.

C. Oh, really? D. Yeah, there will be fewer trees.


Robots seem very new to most people. And they have a long history. The 16 one was made by a Greek inventor (发明家). You may 17 robots in some films. The robots in these 18 are stronger, faster and cleverer like people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or boring 19 . Some people can’t look after 20 and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can’t see, many of these people use a 21 to help them move around. This dog is called a guide dog.

22 are making a robot to help them. In the future, robots dogs 23 take the place of (代替) these guide dogs.

Robots are also 24 in American hospitals. At one hospital, a robot takes meals 25 the kitchen to the sick people’s rooms. It never loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system (系统).

In the future, robots will work in space. But robots will never take the place of human. They can help us in a lot of different ways.

( ) 16. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

( ) 17. A. look B. watch C. look for D. see

( ) 18. A. factories B. apartments C. films D. programs

( ) 19. A. chores B. homework C. housework D. jobs

( ) 20. A. they B. their C. themselves D. them

( ) 21. A. dog B. cat C. parrot D. panda

( ) 22. A. Doctors B. Reporters C. Teachers D. Scientists

( ) 23. A. must B. might C. have to D. have to

( ) 24. A. used B. took C. made D. looked

( ) 25. A. with B. to C. from D. for



Dear Anita,

In your last letter you asked me about my plans for the future. .First, I will finish high school. Then I will go to college and study to be a doctor. I won’t get married right away because it takes a long time to become a doctor. I want to help sick people. I’m going to learn a lot about illness. Maybe I will find a treatment for cancer. I’ll be famous and I will become very rich.

After I become a successful doctor, I’ll get married. I want to marry an interesting person. For example, my wife might be an artist .We will have a wonderful life together. I think we will have one or two children. Doctors get paid quite a lot so I think we will have a nice house. We will travel a lot. I want to visit Australia, Europe, and Africa.

Are these plans, or dreams? Do they sound crazy to you? Write soon and tell me about

your plans.

Your friend



26.Josh wants to become a doctor. ( ) 27.Josh wants to get married very soon. ( )

28.Josh’s wife might do interesting work..( ) 29.Josh wants to have a lot of children. ( )

30.Josh will travel to India.


Do you know the movie I, Robot? It tells us a story about the future.

The year is 2035 and robots are just as common as mobile phones. People depend on their robots to do lots things, for example, babysitting, cooking, doing chores and taking their dogs for a walk. Robots have to obey (听从) human’s orders, because their designers make them do so. A police officer called Spooner hates robots. He doesn’t think humans can get on well with their robots at all! But the scientist Susan has different opinions. Susan works on robots’ mind and she thinks one day robots will become more powerful (强大的) than humans and help humans to make progress (进步).

When Spooner and Susan work together, they find that something is wrong with the world’s robots. A few robots have their own thoughts and they’re trying to get out of humans’ control (控制)! Of course these robots’ dream doesn’t come true. Humans work hard to control their robots again and they succeed at last.

( ) 31. The story happened (发生) in _____________.

A. 2010 B. 2020 C. 2035 D. 2040

( ) 32. The phrase “depend on” in this article means ____________.

A. 依靠 B. 悬挂 C. 相信 D. 取决于

( ) 33. Spooner is a __________ and Susan is a ___________.

A. scientist; professor B. bank clerk; police officer

C. policeman; doctor D. police officer; scientist

( ) 34. Susan thinks that one day _____________.

A. robots can’t get on well with humans

B. robots will help human to make progress

C. robots will have their own thoughts D. robots will control the world

( ) 35. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to this article?

A. The movie I, Robot talks about the future.

B. People use their robots to do everything.

C. A few robots want to get out of human’s control.

D. At last humans succeed in controlling the robots again.



36. It ________ me two hours to finish my homework every day.

37. Let’s go _________ after school.

38. There are many famous ________ in Shanghai Bund(上海滩).

39. Yang Liwei is one of the best ________ in China.

40. There _______ a big concert in our city this evening.

41. There are many _________ about the relationship(关系) between the mainland and Taiwan.


In some science fiction movies,people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like h 42 .They help with the housework,and do the most u 43 jobs.

Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example, there are already robots working in factories. These robots look more like huge arms. They do s____44__ jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such jobs and would get b___45___. But robots will never get bored. In the future, there will be more robots e__46___and humans will have less work to do. New robots will have many different s__47___. Some will look like humans, and others might look like snakes. We will never know what will happen in the future.


48. Maybe he wants to go _______(skate) tomorrow.

49. He makes his students________ (read) English every day.

50. It’s difficult for robots __________ (think) like humans.

51. I think there _______ (be) less books in the future because people will read on computers.

52. Ten years ago students ________(go) to school on foot.

53. In ten years students _______ (take) cars to go to school.

54. I need _______ (look) smart for my job interview..

55. We are now _______(try) to learn English well.


56. Sally played football yesterday. (改为一般将来时)

Sally ______ ________ football tomorrow.

57. I think he can finish doing the work on time.(改为同义句)

I think he will ______ ______ _______ finish doing the work on time.

58. There will be more people in our country. (改为否定句)

_______ _______ _______ more people in our country.

59. I will live in Shanghai in ten years.(就划线部分提问)

_______ _______ you live in ten years?

60. Our team seems to win the game. (改为同义句)

______ _______ _______ our team will win the game.

A. I also like watching sea-fish.

B. Where should we meet?

C. That’s wonderful!

D. Where are you going this weekend?

E. when do you plan to leave?

F. Do you want to join us?

G. I’ll see you then.


A: Hi, Mary. 61 .

B: Hi, Jack. I’m going to the beach with

some friends. 62

A: Yeah, that sounds fun. Which beach are

you going to?

B: We’re thinking about driving to the beach

in Qingdao. I like driving, and 63

A: That sounds great! 64

B: Well, we are setting off (出发) at about six o’clock on Friday.

A: Great! 65

61_________ 62__________ 63__________ 64___________ 65___________






1-5 CCAAB 6-10 CCADB 11-15 AACBA


16-20 ADBDC 21-25 ADBAC


26-30 TFFFF 31-35 CADBB


36. takes 37. swimming 38. buildings 39. astronauts 40. will be 41. predictions

42. humans 43. unpleasant 44. simple 45. bored 46. everywhere 47. shapes

48.skating 49. read 50. to think 51. will be 52. went 53. will go 54. to look 55. trying


56. will play 57. be able to 58. There won’t be 59. Where will 60. It seems that

六.补全对话 61-65 DFAEG


One possible version

I like English. I want to be an English teacher in ten years. I'll teach my students as well as possible. I'll give my lessons in as much English as I can. I'll try my best to make my lessons lively and interesting. Besides, we all like listening to stories. So I'll try often to tell my students stories in English, so that they'll be interested in English and can improve their listening. I believe that I can become a good teacher.





根据新课标的要求,八年级学生必须 有明确的学习需要和目标,对英语学习表现出较强的自信心。能在所设日常交际情景中听懂对话和小故事。能用简单的语言描述自己或他人的经历,能发表简单的意见。能读懂不同文体的小短文和简单的英文报刊文章。能在合作中起草和修改简短的文段,说明、指令、规则等。能尝试使用不同的教育资源,从口头和书面材料中提取信息、扩展知识、解决简单的问题并描述结果。能在学习中相互帮助,克服困难。能合理计划和安排学习任务,积极探索适合自己的学习方法。在学习和日常交际中能注意到中外文化的差异。










4. 注重个别辅导,在面向全体学生的基础上,培优补差。准确引导优秀生,抓好中等生,辅导好学困生。对学困生进行专门辅导,布置单独的作业,让他们在小进步、小转变中体味学习的快乐,树立学习的自信,尽快成长起来。





