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(一). 根据音标写单词。(每小题1分,共5分)

1. /' spe?l/ 2. /?k'spens?v/ 3. /'preznt/

4. /' si:kr?t / 5. / t?u:z/


( )6. A. card B. party C. scarf D. warm

( )7. A. happy B. cake C. match D. travel

( )8. A. sing B. give C. night D.silk

( )9. A. always B. tall C. small D. wall

( )10. A. hear B. wear C. near D. year



( )11. She doesn’t like football_____ basketball, ____ she likes clothes.

A. and; but B. but; and C. or; but

( )12. —Can you sing the song _______ English?

—Yes, I can.

A. in B. in an C. in the

( )13. Sally likes music and she _______ a lot of time on music.

A. takes B. costs C. spends

( )14. —_______do you usually read books?

—I usually read books in the evening.

A. What B. When C. Where

( )15. —Would you like to go to the park with me, Tina? —______.

A. You’re welcome. B. Yes, I would C. Yes, I’d love to

( )16. — What does Sam do on his sister’s birthday?

—He _______ a card to her.

A. gives B. makes C. buys

( )17. —Does Mr. Li often _______ his students?

—Yes, he gets letters from them every month.

A. hear from B. come from C. hear of

( )18. My sister likes the silk dress,______ she can’t af ford(负担) it. A. so B. and C. but

( )19. —What does your sister usually do on Sundays?

— She often______ with my mother.

A. go shopping B. goes shopping D. go to shop

( )20. I spend two hours _______ doing my homework every day.

A. finishing B. to finish C. finish



I’m Simon. Today is my twelfth birthday. I get many presents from my family. Do you want to have a look?

I like playing basketball very much. I am a collector (收藏家) of basketballs. Look at this new one. It is from my cousin. It’s very nice. The number(数量) of my basketballs is the same as my age now.

My uncle gives me a new schoolbag. It’s really a big one. I can put many things in it. My uncle buys it in Shanghai.

My sister buys a red water bottle for me. It’s hot in summer. I really need a water bottle. Although green is my favourite colour, I still like this bottle very much.

The camera is from my parents. I like taking photos very much.

I want to be a photographer (摄影师) when I grow up.

( ) 21. How many basketballs does Simon have now?

A. Fifteen. B. Fourteen. C. Thirteen. D. Twelve.

( ) 22. Simon’s ______ gives him a water bottle.

A. father B. sister C. uncle D. cousin

( ) 23. Simon’s parents give Simon a ______. ( ) 24. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Simon is 12 years old.

B. Simon’s new schoolbag is small.

C. Green is Simon’s favourite colour.

D. Simon likes playing basketball.

( ) 25. What’s the best title (标题)?

A. My family B. My happy life

C. My birthday party D. My birthday presents


Today is my teacher Miss Li’s birthday. She is thirty years old. She is a very kind teacher in my school and we love her very much. We are going to send lots of presents to her. The cold winter is coming, so I buy a red shawl for her. She likes it very much. Some of my classmates (同班同学) buy flowers for her. She sees many flowers on her desk when she comes into the classroom. We have a birthday party at night. We sing a birthday song and dance for her. She also plays games with us. We’re very happy!

( ) 26. What does Miss Li teach(教) in my school?

A. English B. Chinese C. maths D. We don’t know.

( ) 27. What does the underlined word “shawl” mean in Chinese?

A. 围巾 B. 扇子 C. 防晒乳 D. 遮阳伞

( ) 28. When Miss Li sees the flowers on her desk, she may be______.

A. angry B. sad C. happy D. upset(沮丧的)

( ) 29. We have a birthday party for her and we ________ at the party.

A. sing a birthday song B. dance

C. play games D. A,B and C

( ) 30. Which is NOT right according to this passage?

A. Miss Li is kind in our school.

B. Some of the students buy flowers for our beautiful teacher.

C. We don’t have a birthday party for her.

D. She plays games with us at the party.


Tom has a bad habit(习惯). He is often late for class. He never cleans his room. He loves watching TV before he finishes his homework. He loves football and always breaks the school’s windows. His mother is very angry with him. She tries to change his bad habits, but he does not listen to her.

Today Tony comes back from the playground. He washes his hands before coming to the table. His mother is very happy. He tells his mother that this is good for his health. He wants to be a good football player. He has to be more careful with his health.

( ) 31. Tony is ______ late for class and ______ cleans his room.

A. often, always B. often, never

C. never, often D. always, often

( ) 32. When does Tony love watching TV?

A. After he finishes his homework.

B. When he does his homework

C. Until he finishes his homework.

D. Before he finishes his homework.

( ) 33. What does the underlined word “break” mean?

A. 休息 B. 擦 C. 打破 D. 清洗

( ) 34. Why does Tony wash his hands before coming to the table today?

A. Because he wants his mother to be happy .

B. Because he always breaks the school’s windows.

C. Because he wants to be a good football player.

D. Because he wants to be a good boy.

( )35. The story tells us we should (应该) _________.

A. be a good football player B. be careful with our food

C. have a good habit D. be often late for school.



Thank you very much, Tina.

Thanks. I’d like to.

Because I have a taijiquan class this Friday evening.

I’m afraid I can’t go. o M

E: Oh, I have a present for you.

A: Hi, Tina. Would you like to come to my birthday party?

B: ____36____. When is it?

A: This Friday evening, at my house.

B: This Friday evening? Sorry, ___37_____.

A: Why?


A: Oh, that’s so bad.

B: Have a good time, Lily. ___39____. Look!

A: Wow, a scarf. I like it. ____40___.

B: You’re welcome.

36.________ 37. ________ 38.________ 39. ________40. _______



television; always; have; spend; but; make; stay; scarf; never; read

My cousin Tina lives in Australia. She ___1___ lots of hobbies(爱好). She likes ____2___ books, ___3___ she doesn’t like watching TV. She likes movies, but she ___4__ goes to the cinema, she likes watching movies on ___5__. She often buys new clothes, so she __6___ a lot of money. She wants ___7__ healthy, so she runs every morning. Her mother has a birthday party for her every year and ___8__ her a birthday cake. she __9___ gets flowers, birthday cards and ___10___ on her birthday. She is very happy.

1._______ 2._________ 3._________ 4.___ 5.________

6. ________ 7_______ 8.________ 9._________ 10.________

VI. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1. My brother likes reading. There are lots of books and _______(杂志) in his room. 1.________

The man is very poor. He doesn’t have much ___________ (钱). 2._________

The old man gets some _________ (锻炼) every morning. 3.__________

He likes music. So he often goes to ____________(音乐会) . 4._________

We usually make some chocolate at ____________(周末) . 5._____________

6. Is there anything ________(特别的)in today’s newspaper? 6._____________

7. I don’t know the answer. It’s a ________(秘密). 7. _____________

8. The boy goes to see his grandparents ________(高兴地). 8._____________

9. This bike is so ________(昂贵的) that I can’t afford it. 9._____________

10. How many ______(歌曲) by SHE can you sing? 10.____________

VII. 完成句子。(每小题1分,共10分)



Would you like _______ _______ to my birthday party?

2. 他们通常周末在电视上观看足球。

They usually ______ football _______ television at weekends.

3. 大明的爷爷奶奶喜欢保持健康。

Da Ming’s grandparents like to_______ _______.

4. Betty的表姐喜欢阅读,她阅读大量的书籍和杂志。

Betty’s cousin _______ ________ and she reads lots of books and magazines.

5. 她也喜欢电影并经常去看电影, 但她从来不看体育活动。

She also likes films and often_____ _______ the cinema, but she never watches sport.

6. 我每天花一个小时打篮球

I _______ an hour _______ basketball every day.


She would like _______ ______ TV.


I often watch films _______ ________.


I often buy CDs ______ my ______ songs.

10. 你们用汉语还是英语演唱?

_____ you _______ it in Chinese or in English?

VIII. 书面表达。(共15分)

今天是李明的生日,他的父母为他举办了一个生日聚会。 李明的父母、叔叔和朋友送给了他好多不同的礼物,他们一起唱生日歌,玩的很开心。请以“Li Ming’s birthday”为题,写一篇英语短文,60词左右。开头已给出,内容可根据所给信息适当发挥。


Li Ming’s mothera birthday cake

Li Ming’s fathera ticket to a concert

His unclea book

His friend, Toma football

Li Ming’s birthday

It’s Li Ming’s birthday today.



(一)1. special 2. expensive 3. present 4. secret 5. choose

(二) 6-10 DBCAB

II. 单项选择

11-15 CACBC 16-20 AACBA


21-25 DBCBD 26-30 DACDC 31-35 BDCCC

IV.情景会话 36-40 BDCEA

V. 短文填空

1. has 2. reading 3. but 4. never 5. television 6. spends 7. to stay 8. makes 9. always 10. scarves


1. magazines 2. money 3. exercise 4. concert 5. weekends 6. special 7. secret 8. happily 9. expensive 10. songs

VII. 完成句子

1.to come 2. watch, on 3. stay healthy 4. likes reading 5. goes to 6. spend, playing 7. to watch 8. on television 9. of, favourite 10. Do, sing


Li Ming’s birthday

It’s Li Ming’s birthday today.

His parents have a birthday party for him. Li Ming’s mother makes a birthday cake for him, it’s big and delicious. He likes music very much, so his father gives him a ticket to a concert. His uncle gives a book to him as a birthday present, he likes it very much. And his friend Tom gives him a football, they often play football after school. Li Ming likes these presents. They sing Happy Birthday together and have a good time.





有的同学每次考试都考得很好,其实是他英语学得比较系统,这就是为什么有的人考试会又快又准了。打个比方,你挑个词问他什么用法,什么意思或者造句之类,他肯定能说得很清晰,很有条理,那么这样,在考试的时候他就能很快的看出考点是什么,最快的选择最正确的一项,这就造成了所谓的 “不检查”。其实完全不检查是不可能的,但是换个方面假设一下,如果你觉得自己都很懂,题目很简单,你对你做的完全有把握,那还需要检查吗?!这就是学习方法的重要性,他能让你做题又快又准,具体的学习建议在后面会提到。








1.平时不理解的要多问老师,但注意不要钻牛角尖,语言有些东西是约定俗成的,无道理,似有规律又无规律(比如动词的过去分词)。 2.听力完全是多听提高的,打个比方,英语考试的听力有时再努力听也听不懂,但是晨会上老师的演讲,你哪怕是跟同学聊天聊过去了,你也知道老师讲的是什么。因为那是你熟悉的母语,不努力听也懂。那么,就多听英语吧!多听就会多熟悉,单词懂得越多,听不懂的就越少,这是必然的。3.阅读,要讲究速度!考试的阅读并不是每句都看的,文章很长,有的要粗看或者不看,有的要细品的。所以在每次阅读时一定要把握重点,把握时间。


