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  1.be able to do sth. /can 同义转换单选 be(am, is, are,was,were)的形式的考察

  2.more than/over(U8)同义转换

  3.have to/must 同义转换 两者区别:客观需要/主观看法/have to 有各种时态形式

  4.breathe/bri:ð/V. /breath n. 给单词写单词

  5.such as…列举整体之中的部分同类人或事物作例,之前一般用逗号和主句隔开,之后没有逗号,直接加名词性短语 ,相当于like或for example

  6.without+(doing)sth.=if there is no sth.同义转换10给词填空

  7.be nervous about/of (doing) sth.

  8.leave+SP“离开某地”/ leave for+SP“动身去某地”/leave+SP.+for+SP.“离开某地去某地”

  9.tie (tying) (lie lying die dying)

  10.work V.“运转,运行” N.工作(不可数) 作品(可数) 工厂(works)

  11. in one’s sleep “在某人的睡梦中;在某人睡着的时候”

  12.a large/small amount of +N[U] 大/少量的

  13. space 太空(前用零冠词,不可数)

  14. feel…about… “对……感到……”


  1. Tomorrow I’ll be one of the first students to travel into space.

  One of+N(复)“......中之一”;first 后接名词复数时“第一批”、“第一组”X Kb1 .C om

  2.The Moon is around(=about) 380,000 kilometres from the Earth , so it’ll take us about four days to get there. A.对距离提问用how far…;区分how soon…再过多久,对将来的一段时间提问,回答一般是,in+时间段/how often…“隔多久”对频率提问(期末) /how long…“持续多长时间”回答一般是,时间段或for+时间段/how many…/how much… B.It takes(V.花费) sb. some time to do something / doing sth. takes sb. some time/ sb spend some time(或money) doing sth. / on sth./ sth. / sth. costs (sb.) +金钱 (doing) sth. costs (sb.) +时间 C.get(到达)to+SP.“到达某地”接here、there、home时,to要省略。

  3. I’m going to take as many photos as I can, that is, if my camera still works up there ....

  that is =that’s to say =it means…常用于解释或延续某个话题 take photos /take a photo “拍照” …(not so/)as+adv./adj.+as… “(不)像……一样” as+/adj.(+a/an+N或PN)+as somebody can“尽某人所能”

  4. We’ll have to tie ourselves to our bed so that we won’t float away in our sleep! so that+clause(目的)

  5.I can’t wait ! Sb. can’t wait (to do sth.). I cannot wait for (doing) sth.……迫不及待做某事(U7)常用语表达迫不及待的心情



  1.there will be…/there is going to be…(错!there is going to have,there will have)

  2.is/are /am going to do will(一、二、三) /shall(一) do





  1.in the centre of… “在……中心,在……中央” in the middle of… “在……(时间、长度、过程等)的中间” 同义代换 翻译

  2.exciting/excited sb.be excited about… interesting/interested sb.be interested in...

  3.place(s) of interest

  4.light(过去式:lighted/ lit) V. light up“点亮,照亮” N. “光,光线”不可数adj.“轻的,浅色的,明亮的”

  5.natural /nature

  6.derect /direction 表示“朝……方向”,用介词in in all directions= in every direction 四面八方

  7.sightsee /sightseeing“观光、游览”go sightseeing去观光游览 给词填

  8.beautiful /beauty 给词填空

  9.tradition /traditional 给词填空

  10.enjoy (doing) sth.

  12. just,副词“正好,恰好”,常用于肯定句。也可意为“仅仅” 完型

  13.across介词 “在……对面”   区分across prep. cross v. through prep. 给词填空 单选

  14.bring/take“带来”,是指把某物从别的地方带到说话的地方来。bring…from… take“带走”,get“去取”。 take…to…

  15.outside /inside(u8)/around单选

  16. in+ the +方位名词+of “在……的某个方位” in the north-west of “在……的西北部” in the north-east of“在……的东北部”


  1.Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.one of+ the+形容词最高级+复数名词/代词“最……之一”,当其作主语时,谓动用单数

  2.China has the third most heritage sites in the world after Italy and Spain. the third most “第三多的”,形词词最高级前加序数词,常表示“第几最……”


  1.if条件句 主将从现

  2.“If 条件句”与“祈使句+or +简单句(一般将来时)” 的转换



  1. 辨析:attend/join/join in 完型 单选 同义转换

  attend 出席,参加(会议、讲座、婚礼、报告等) attend school/attend a lecture/attend a class

  join 加入某个组织、某一种团体、某俱乐部等,并成为该组织中的一员 join the Party/join the army

  join in 参加某项活动 join sb in +活动名称 join us in the games

  take part in 指参加群众性活动、会议并在其中起积极作用 Games

  2.surprised (“感到惊讶的”通常用来修饰人和人的表情be surprised at…/that…) /surprising(“令人惊讶的”通常用来修饰物) -ing结尾的都是“使人...”之义,用来形容事物;-ed结尾都是“觉得...”之义,用来形容人。相似的词amazing/amazed,exciting/excited, interesting/interested,boring/bored,tired/tiring

  3.information (about/on sb./sth.) 不可数名词

  4.stop to do /stop doing

  5. dis(不,消失掉)+appear(出现)→不出现→消失disappear

  6.recent /recently

  7. another pron. “又一,另一个(事物或人)” /adj.“再一的,另一的” 辨析:another/the other

  8.. teach sb. sth./ teach sb. to do sth.(taught)

  9. learn about sth.

  10. all the way 一路上,自始至终 in the way挡路/by the way顺便问一下/in this way以这种方式/on the way (to…) 在(…)途中/in any way.无论如何/in a way在某种程度上

  11. of course当然sure /certainly

  12. remote control

  13. look up“(在词典或参考书中)查阅,检查”名词也可放在look与up之间;代词作look up的宾语,只能放在look与up中间;look up“向上看,抬头看”。

  14. go for a walk去散步

  15.have a picnic去野餐

  16.on the beach在沙滩上

  17.enjoy oneself玩得玩心=have a good time(复数时-self要变为-selves)

  15.go on a adventure去冒险 go on doing sth(表示的是一个动作不断地进行下去,doing为动名词)/go on to do sth(表示的是结束了一个动作,接着开始另一个动作, to do 为不定式)/go on with sth. (“继续做某事” 表示的是在做某件事中断了一段时间后,继续接着做这件没做完的事,with为介词,后应接名词或代词)on为adv.


  1.The night before, I was so excited that I could not sleep! so(adv.)+ adj./adv.+that+ 结果状语从句 “如此(太)……以致于…… ” so…that与too…to转换He is so young that he can’t go to school.=He is too young to go to school.

  2. Finally it was time to go home. It was/is time to do sth. = It was/is time for sth.是时候做……


  1.一般过去式的时间状语just now= a moment ago “刚刚”(同义转换/the other day前几天/this morning今天早上/at the moment (=at that time)那时、当时(现在=now同义转换)/at the age of 8在8岁的时候/one day /once upon a time 很久以前/in the old days 过去的日子里/long long ago很久以前/from then on 从那时起、/一段时间+ago

  2.一般过去时的谓语动词构成:① be(was/were)② 实义动词的过去式



  1. collect vt collection n.收藏品 collector n.收藏家

  2. unusual/usual un- 否定前缀 “不”,如:happy/unhappy healthy/unhealthy important/unimportant

  3. Interview /interviewee/interviewer

  4. front “前面的”/反义词back in front of与in the front of

  in front of 指在某一范围以外的前面 反义词:behind

  in the front of 指在某一范围内部的前面 反义短语:at the back of

  6. push“按、摁”/反义词pull

  7. grandson “孙子,外孙”grand-是个前缀“(亲属关系中的)(外)祖...;(外)孙...”

  8. newspaper(s)可数名词

  9. everywhere副词“处处,到处,各个地方”here and there 同义转换

  10. followed/went after同义转换

  11. living room客厅,起居室 dinning room餐厅;餐厅灯


  13.too much, much too与too many

  14. in a short time“很短的时间后” in+一段时间“多长时间以后” 常用于一般将来时。 对“in+一段时间”提问时用how soon常以单项填空的形式考查in意为“在......之后”用于将来时态的用法。

  15.real /really 给词填词

  16. a waste of... “浪费......”a waste of water浪费时间/a waste of time 浪费时间/a waste of money浪费钱/a waste of space浪费空间

  17. (be) bad for… “对……有害的”/be good for…“对……有好处的” be good to=be kind to=be friendly to 对……友好的

  17. interested(描述人得情感,主语通常是人,多用于be/get/feel/become interested in+n./pron./doing)结构中与interesting(“有趣的”,描述事物本身的特性,主语通常是物,可以作表语和定语)


  1. What do you think of+n./pron./doing? =How do you like ...? “认为……怎么样” 用来询问对某人或某事的看法

  2. There are eight doorbells on their front door. There is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语. /There are +复数名词+地点状语.用以表示某物某事存在或不存在。句子的真正主语是系动词后面的名词谓语动词be要就近

  3. There was hardly any space for the children to sit down.

  hardly “几乎不,几乎没有”表示否定的意思 hard作形容词“坚硬的;难懂的;努力的;困难的”;作副词“努力地,猛烈地”

  space空间;普通用语,表示万物存在之处,与time为相对概念。time and space时间与空间room房间(可数);地方(不可数);指可以容纳动词或为其他目的而使用的空间Is there any room for me in the car?车里有我的位子吗?



  2.形容词性物主代词+名词==名词性物主代词“of+名词性物主代词”表示所属关系 a friend of my friends=a friend of mine

  3.反身代词的一些搭配by oneself enjoy oneself 单选 给词填空

  4.不定代词something(else) anything(else)



