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例:What is the man going to read?

A.A newspaper.

B.A magazine.

C.A book.


1.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A skirt. B.A clothes store. C.A blouse.

2.What will the two speakers do?

A.Finish a report. B.Go for a walk C.Borrow some books.

3.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Park the car

B.Order the food quickly.

C.Have a meal an hour later

4.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a store. B.In a hotel. C.At the airport.

5.What is tlle woman worried about?

A.Missing her flight.

B.Having a traffic accident.

C.Being late for the football game.




6.Why was the woman on the news?

A.She was a famous singer.

B.She won a music competition.

C.She wrote a song for the TV station.

7.What does the woman think of singing?

A.It gives her great pleasure.

B.It takes too much of her time.

C.It will make her famous one day


8.Why will Ted go to see the woman?

A.To make a date B.To talk about the essay. C.To practice football.

9.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Classmates. B.Workmates. C.Teacher and student.


10.What does the woman want to do in the evening?

A.Stay at home. B.Go out for a drive. C.Have a drink

11.What does the man advise the woman to do at the weekend?

A.Have a good sleep. B.Rest and have fun. C.Hold a dinner party.

12.How does the woman feel about the man’s plan for this Saturday?

A.Sad. B.Satisfied C.Unhappy.


13.Who is the speaker speaking to?

A.Children B.Teachers. C.Parents

14.Why must children carry whistles when camping?

A.To save their lives. B.To comfort themselves. C.To carry their voice farther.

15.What can a lost child do?

A.Turn to others for help.

B.Wander around to get back.

C.Hug a nearby tree and talk to it.



Interview Notes

Name: Tom Baker

Age: 16

Position applied: 17

Preferred working time: Saturday and 18

Working experience: once worked in a 19

Telephone No.: 20




例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. ,we last met more than thirty years ago.

A.What’s more B.That’s to say C.In other words D.Believe it or not


21.In China, you vote when you are 18.

A.must B.might C.can D.would

22.I've been away for only three years, I can hardly recognize my hometown.

A.so B.or C.for D.yet

23.This article is well written because special attention to the choice of words.

A.has paid B.has been paid C.had paid D.had been paid

24.They always give the vacant seat to comes first.

A.anyone B.whom C.whomever D.whoever

25.In some countries,friends kiss both cheeks when they say goodbye.

A.on B.in C.at D.of

26.It is hard to imagine makes a top—level athlete.

A.which B.how C.that D.what

27.The movie Gravity won seven awards at the Oscar night, was beyond the director's wildest dream.

A.which B.that C.where D.what

28.----Did he get the job finally?

----Though he well before the job interview,he failed to answer some importan questions.

A.was preparing B.would prepare C.had prepared D.has prepared

29.When about one of the biggest concerns today,many citizens mentioned the sharp rise in housing price.

A.asking B.to ask C.asked D.having asked

30. Time, the teacher had us do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.

A.To save B.Save C.Saving D.Having saved

31.Remember me to your parents when you them.

A.are calling B.call C.will call D.have called

32.----What’s that noise?

---- There’s a truck stopping outside.It’s someone something.

A.deliver B.to deliver C.delivering D.delivered

33.Quietness seems impossible everyone takes their seats and begins to write.

A.until B.after C.for D.once

34.---How long have you been here,Susan?

---Only about five minutes.Alisa here with me.

A.walks B.walked C.has walked D.had walked

35.I didn’t know your mobile phone number;otherwise I you the moment I got to Canada.

A.would ring B.would have rung C.had rung D.rang



Wallet Back

This is a story about a learning experience that had a big effect on the way I live my life.The 36 in the story did not give me tests or even grade me on my work.I was taught by one of the most effective 37 of teaching,one that only people with lots of love can do.

“My wallet! Where is it?” were my first words 38 I found my wallet was missing.I 39 my memory for a few good seconds, then realized that I had left my precious wallet in the library’s public 40 !

Because the library was now 41, I had to wait until the next morning to look for it.When I got there the next day, all I found was a clean restroom.This was tlle first time I could remember ever 42 to see a clean restroom.As I walked out,I looked at myself in the mirror and shook my head at the 43 fool in front of me.

I politely 44 the librarian at the front desk and asked her if a wallet had been found in the restroom yesterday.“No.”That was that.I walked off with a sense of 45.

I 46 what I would do if I had found a wallet with sixty dollars,a phone card and other irreplaceable 47 things.Finally,I 48 accepted the fact that my wallet was gone.

A week later,I received a 49 in the mail.It was my wallet! And most 50 ,nothing was missing! But there was a letter folded up in one of the wallet pocket that had not been there before.I slowly unfolded the letter,which 51 something like this:

When we continue to help people around,we will live in a larger and more rewarding world.

This person didn’t even leave a retum address.So I couldn’t 52 whoever it was.But from that day on,I 53 myself that l will follow this 54 and help others and make them as 55 as I was when I opened that parcel!

36.A.1eader B.writer C.teacher D.scholar

37.A.aids B.systems C.materials D.methods

38.A.once B.when C.before D.since

39.A.searched B.improved C.developed D.reeorded

40.A.canteen B.lounge C.restroom D.showroom

41.A.closed B.deserted C.crowded D.occupied

42.A.hoping B.hating C.refusing D.preferring

43.A.grateful B.curious C.forgetful D.nervous

44.A.approached B.interviewed C.identified D.reminded

45.A.safety B.forgiveness C.satisfaction D.disappointment

46.A.described B.wondered C.discovered D.expressed

47.A.personal B.strange C.surprising D.reasonable

48.A.gladly B.naturally C.willingly D.painfully

49.A.1etter B.note C.package D.suitcase

50.A.sincerely B.amazingly C.honestly D.obviously

51.A.read B.printed C.explained D.wrote

52.A.owe B.thank C.admire D.inspire

53.A.supported B.suggested C.improved D.promised

54.A.plan B.course C.regulation D.example

55.A.shocked B.cautious C.delighted D.optimistic





Johnny the Explorer

Johnny was three when he ran away from home for the first time.Somebody left the garden gate open.Johnny wandered out,crossed some fields and,two hours later,arrived in the next village.He was just able to give his name and address.

By the time be was seven,Johnny used to disappear from home two to three times a year.Sometimes he covered quite long distances on foot.Sometimes he got on a bus or even a train,and simply sat there until someone asked for his ticket.Generally the police brought him home.“Why do you do it?”they used to ask.“I just like seeing places,”Johnny told them.

Johnny continued to “see places”although everyone tried to stop him.His parents used to watch him closely,and so did his teachers;but sooner or later Johnny managed to slip away.As he grew older,his favorite trick was to hide on a long distance truck.Sometimes he trayelled hundreds of miles before anyone discovered him.

It is hardly surprising that eventually Johnny managed to board a plane.He was twelve at the time.It was a cargo plane and a few hours later,Johnny found himself in Cairo.How did he get on board? No one knows! According to Johnny himself,it was easy:he just went into the airport,walked along some passages and got on board the nearest plane.

In spite of all this,Johnny did well at school.He enjoyed mathematics and languages and,perhaps not surprisingly,he was especially good at geography.“What do you want to be when you grow up?” his teachers asked him.“An explorer!” he answered.“But it,s difficult to become an explorer in this modern age,”they tried to tell him.But it was no use:Johnny knew what he wanted!

Just before he left school,Johnny saw a notice in a daily paper.A long journey was about to go to Brazil to travel up the Amazon River.There were jobs for three young people“willing to work hard and with a sense of adventure”.Johnny applied,and two months later,he was on his way to Brazil.

56.Johnny frequently left home because

A.he preferred to stay alone B.he enjoyed seeing new places

C.he couldn’t do well at school D.he didn’t get along well with his parents

57.People around Johnny

A.tried to stop him froIli slipping away B.kept following him to get him back

C.booked tickets for him if necessary D.were clear about how he travelled abroad

58.From the passage,we can learn that

A.Johnny worked for a daily paper

B.Johnny lacked a sense of adventure

C.Johnny went exploring along the Amazon River

D.Johnny went to Brazil two months after he finished school


Editor Henry Slocum,

I read your May 10th article in the local newspaper Honesdale Times about electronic books,or e-books,with great interest.You made several good points about the disadvantages of e-books.You may have overlooked,however,some of the ways in which they are superior to traditional books.Yes,e-books are expensive,but they are also convenient.In addition,due to their environment-friendly nature, e-books have the potential to change our planet for the better.

E-books, for anyone who is unfamiliar with the term,are about the same size and shape as regular books.They have a large screen in the middle,however.This screen shows the reader a page of text that has been downloaded from a computer.Once the reader has finished reading the page on the e-book screen.he or she scrolls down to see a new page.The process continues until the entire book has been read.

As you pointed out.Mr.Slocum,it's great to lie on a warm,sandy beach with a book.You can do that just as easily with an e-book as you can with a traditional paper book.In fact,because e-books are so light, you can carry them anywhere.Say,for example,that you like to read on the bus.Which would you rather carry with you-a heavy 800-page novel,or an e-book that weighs only a few ounces?

Another important advantage is offered by e-books as well.They are more environmentfriendly than traditional books.At present,thousands of trees are cut down each year to meet the publishing industry’s demand for paper.Books that don’t sell are eventually returned to the Dublisher and destroyed.This terrible waste could be avoided if everyone used e-books,which require no paper.


David Eng

David Eng

59.What does Editor Henry Slocum think about e-books?

A.Interesting. B.Expensive. C.Convenient D.Environment-friendly.

60.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2 ?

A.What an e-book is.

B.Why e-books are popular.

C.How e-books have developed.

D.Who are the readers of e-books.

61.In David’s letter, he thinks that

A.E-books will come down in price

B.E-books come in various sizes and shapes

C.E-books do little harm to the environment

D.E-books are no better than traditional books

62.The main purpose of the letter is to

A.explain how to read e-books

B.honor the person who invented e-books

C.scold publishers for wasting so much paper

D.provide evidence that e-books are a good idea


Losing weight comes with a lot of health benefits-including making your brain sharper.

Yes,it turns out that overweight may damage cognitive functions such as memory and attention.There have been few studies of overweight and cognitive functioning,possibly because it is generally believed that it is not a primary risk cause for poor cognitive performance.Losing weight,therefore,may help improve these mental functions,according to a new research led by John Gunstad,assistant professor of psychology at Kent State University.

Growing evidence suggests that being fat is linked to cognitive deficits(缺陷).So Gunstad and his team guessed that losing weight might improve mental function.For their study,they measured memory and attention in a group of l 50 overweight participants,some of whom had some kind of operation for weight loss and some did not.All of the volunteers completed mental skills tests to assess their abilities of memory and attention at the beginning of the study,and again 12 weeks later.To begin with.about 24%of the patients showed damaged learning and 23%showed signs of poor memory when tested.At the end of the study,those who had lost weight after operation improved their scores into the average or above average range for cognitive functions.Scores for the volunteers who didn’t lose weight dropped even further.

The study helped Gunstad to find out whether losing weight had any effect on mental function.Now that he’s seen the positive effect that weight loss can have on memory and attention,he says he will next study those who choose to lose weight by the traditional way-eating healthier and getting more active.He expects that losing weight in this way will have a similarly positive effect on the brain.“If we can improve the condition with operations,then we can probably produce the same change with behavioral weight loss as well,’’he says.

63.There is less research on overweight and cognitive functions because researchers

A.believe overweight only affects our body

B.have focused on ways to sharpen people’s mind

C.do not consider overweight a main cause for low cognitive ability

D.are clear about the relation between weight and mental functions

64.The result of Gunstad’s study shows that

A.losing weight has little effect on people’s memory

B.losing weight can improve people’s mental functions

C.overweight people are likely to have psychology problems

D.overweight people’s abilities of concentration differ greatly

65.What is Gunstad planning to prove next in his research?

A.Slim people are smarter than overweight people.

B.Healthy diet is better than exercise in losing weight.

C.Traditional ways of losing weight are better than operation

D.Overweight people will get smarter by taking more exercise.

66.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.Body Weight and Health B.Losing Weight by Operation

C.Ways to Improve Mental Functions D.Losing Weight to Sharpen Your Mind


Seeing in Stereo

Have you wondered why you have two eyes and why they are set close together on the front of your face?The reasons are simple and important to the way you see the rest of your world.

Your eyes are like two small cameras.A camera catches an image(影像)of an object and records it on film.Similarly,when you look at something,each eye takes in what it sees and sends this image to the back of the eyeball.Because your eyes are set close together,they view the world from about the same height but from slightly different angles.Working as a team,the eyes send the images to your brain,which puts them together into a single,centered image.

Seeing in stereo means seeing with two eyes working together,which is called stereoscopic sight.This allows you to view the world in three dimensions,or 3-D.Seeing depth helps you to judge the distance between you and the objeets you see and to adjust to the changing angle at which you see something as you move closer to or farther away from it.If images are coming from only one eye, however,only two of these dimensions-height and width-can be perceived.A world seen with one eye is thus two-dimensional,as in a photograph.

Now consider why your two eyes are on the front of your face.Think of other animals with this same arrangement.They are all animals that hunt,like lions and wolves.Their eyes face directly in front of them.This provides a field of sight about 180 degrees wide,which is called binocular sight.On the other hand,animals that are hunted have eyes on the sides of the head,which Drovides nearly 360-degree field of sight.In order to stay alive,they need to see things coming from the sides and from behind.However,without stereoscopic sight,they have difficulty determining how far a danger is.

With sight both stereoscopic and binocular,humans share with animal hunters the ability to see from side to side and to accurately determine the distance.If you think it would be great to have another type of sight,perhaps with hundreds of tiny eyes like many insects do,think again! Each tinv insect eye sees only a tiny part.Besides,what if you needed glasses? Be glad for the eyesight that you have.

67.According to the passage,an eye is like a camera because both

A.can record images B.can imagine objects

C.provide centered images D.work at the same height

68.Stereoscopic sight is a result of having

A.a three-hundred-sixty-degree field of sight

B.hundreds of eyes,all seeing parts of an image

C.two eyes close to one another that work together

D.one eye on either side of the head,each seeing a different image

69.The underlined word “perceived’’ in Paragraph 3 means

A.set B.taken C.seen D.understood

70.The author implies that “seeing in stereo”

A.is similar to the way cameras work

B.is an ability humans are fortunate to have

C.would be better for a wider field of sight

D.helps people to havelbetter sight than animals



Puppy Food

A puppy(young dog)is a precious addition to any family.The excitement of bringing home a little furry friend will always live in our memories.Like all of us,though,your puppy must have adequate nutrition right from the start to make certain that it'll have a long and healthy life.

71 You might ask yourself what is the best for your new pet with all of the different varieties on the market in all of their attractive packaging. Some dry food produced specially for puppies is the best for the development of their teeth. 72

Contrary to the belief of many first-time puppy owners,it is not always the best idea to purchase food that is too high in calcium(钙),protein,and vitamin levels. 73 In addition, a high intake of calcium is associated with bone disease in large-breed dogs.If you have a “smallbreed” puppy,you can buy that kind of food.

It is not a good idea to feed the food you eat to your puppy frequently,as your puppy may become selective about food. 74 Some people think that dog biscuits and other treats are fine, but they should not be a main part of puppy’s diet.

Young puppies should be fed three times a day.Each puppy is unique,however,so feeding them twice a day is acceptable.After ten to twelve weeks of age,feed your puppy twice per day.Allow your puppy to eat as much as he would like in fifteen minutes. 75 If you let your puppy eat too much or too often by keeping food accessible at all times,he may become overweight and have health problems as an adult.Like humans,your puppy will not enjoy the food any longer if it is there at all times

A.Pick up the dish with the remaining food.

B.Proper food is a basic necessity for your puppies.

C.Remember to give your puppy the food he would like to have.

D.It can also cause an upset stomach due to an unbalanced diet.

E.A further benefit is that it is less expensive than the canned food.

F.One example is that extra helpings of nutrients do harm to digestive organs.

G.It’good to provide the extra nutrients a puppy needs until he grows larger.










Hi Tim,









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