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1.A.pencil  B.bee  C.birl

2.A.orange  B.yes  C.banana

3.A.boy  B.girl  C.ball 

4.A.I  B.your  C.you

5.A.Mr  B.fox  C.Miss


1.Excuse me.



2.How old are you?



3.My name is Panda.



4.Put down your hands.



5.I’m Mr Dog.



6.Are you nine ,too?





1.A.run  B.read  C.swim  D.lamp

2.A.book  B.bus  C.ruler  D.rubber

3.A.apple  B.pear  C.bear  D.peach

4.A.eight  B.cow  C.four  D.five

5.A.noodles  B.gloves  C.dress  D.socks

6.A.desk  B.door  C.table  D.cold 


1. I ____ to sing.

A. am

B. can

C. like

2.______ do you live?

A. What

B. Where

C. Who

3.May I _______ some Coke?

A. has

B. have

C. have got

4.Have ________ milk.

A. an

B. a

C. some

5. Do you like to dance?  Yes, ____________.

A.I can

B. I do

C. I am

6. Winter is ______ cold.

A. the

B. an


7.Draw a bird ________ the ground..

A. on

B. to

C. under

8. What __________is it?  It’s green.

A. /

B. colour

C. animal

9.“Oink, Oink”. What do you _____?

A. have

B. hear

C. look

10. It’s cold. ____________ your coat..

A. Put on

B. Take off

C. Look at



1.She's my grandma.

2.He is my dad.

3.we have a new classmate.

4.Nice to meet you, too.








1.Are you like winter?

2.How's the weather like today?

3.When do you geting up?

4.I have breakfast on 8:00.

5.I want's to play football.



1. What time is it? 让我们一起踢足球吧。

2. It`s twelve twenty . 几点了?

3. Let`s play football. 十二点二十了。

4. It`s playtime . 你在哪里?

5. Where are you? 游戏时间到了。


____onkey _____irl _____ose

____range ____ark _____um

____o ____oy _____each

____other ____ood _____ame


一、 圈出你所听到的单词。

1、thirty thirteen

2、forty fourteen

3、fifty fifteen

4、twelve twenty

5、eleven ten









1. He gets up early and ________ breakfast.

A. have a quick B. has quick a

C. has a quick D. have quick

2. The last train is left, so you _______ stay here until tomorrow.

A. must B. have to C. needn’t D. can not

3. Please _________ who broke the window.

A. find B. look for C. look at D. find out

4. Listen, a small number of students ______ in the classroom.

A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking

5. _______ she is ill, _______ she goes to school.

A. Although; / B. Although; but

C. But; although D. Because; /

6.The No. 6 Middle School is not far ___ his home.

A. to B. from C. with D. at


1. —How does he go to Hong Kong?


A. Take the plane B. Take plane

C. By the plane D. By the air

2. —_____ do you live from school?

—8 miles.

A. How long B. How far

C. How much D. Where

3. I usually go to school ________.

A. ride the bike B. on bike

C. on the bike D. by my bike

4. –How do you usually go to school?

-- _____my mother’s car.

A. By B. With C. In D. For

5. If they live in Chongqing, they can go to Wuhan _____ easily.

A. on foot B. by the taxi

C. by boat D. by sea


一、 写出下列单词的汉语意思(20分)

time ( ) breakfast ( ) hour ( ) lunch ( )

thirty ( ) minute ( ) plus ( ) jump ( ) raincoat ( ) scarf ( ) get up ( ) eat lunch( )

brush teeth( ) watch TV ( ) go home( )

wash face ( ) get up ( ) play football( )

birthday cake( ) Teddy bear( )

二、 请为单词选择正确的意思并将字母填到前面的括号里。(10分)

( )summer A 、 夏季 B、春季 C、 季节

( ) cloudy A 、多云的 B、多雨的 C、 雪天

( ) bounch the ball A、跳 B、拍球 C、 打篮球

( ) rainy A 、 阴天 B、 晴天 C、 雨天

( ) throw A 、接 B、 扔 C、 跑

( ) attention A、稍息 B、向左转 C、立正

( ) climb A、爬 B 、跑 C、 跳

( ) sixty A、60 B、40 C、30

( ) warm A、冷 B、凉爽 C、暖和

( ) football A、足球 B、乒乓球 C、篮球

三、 请将正确的答案将序号写有横线上。( 20分)

1.When do you get up everyday? I get up 6:30.

A: at B: in C: on

2. What’s the weather like today? .

A: It’s sunny. B: It’s spring. C: It’s summer.

3. What season is it? .

A: It’s winter. B: It’s cool. C: It’s cold.

4. Tomorrow is your birthday. .

A: Let’s go to school. B: We’ll have a party. C: Thank you.

5. It’s 11:40. .

A: It’s time for breakfast. B: It’s time for supper.

C: It’s time for supper.

6. 如果你想向别人询问几点了,应该说:

A: What time is it? B: What’s the weather like?

7. 如果你想吃蛋糕的话,你应该说:

A: I want to eat cake. B: I want to eat apples.

8. 如果你该上学了, 你应该说:

A: It’s time for school. B: It’s time for supper.

9. “ 整队” 应该怎么说:

A: Attention. B: Line up.

10. “ When do you eat lunch?” 应该怎么回答:

A: I eat lunch at 10:30. B: I eat lunch 12:00.

四、 请将下列句子连线 ( 10分)

A What’s your favorite season? I go to school everyday.

What time is it ,please? Summer.

What can you see in the picture? It’s 1:20.

What do you do everyday? I watch Tv at 8:30.

When do you watch Tv? I see a tree in the picture.

B It’s a sunny day. It’s time for lunch.

It’s 11:40. Let’s play on the swingg.

It’s 5:30. How can we get some?

It smells good. It’s time for supper.

It’s 7:40. It’s time for school.

五: 写出下列句子的汉语意思。( 14分)

1.Don’t worry.

2. I eat breakfast at 7:30.

3. Stop playing,monkey.

4. At 5:30, after school.

5. It’s time for bed.

6.Sixty minutes in an hour.

7. Twenty four hours in a day.

8. It’s 10 o’clock now.

9. It’s time for English class.

10.50 plus 10 is an hour.

11.I’m sorry.

12. Can you play on the seesaw?

13. It’s winter in Beijing.

14. What season is it?

六、请将26个字母写在下列横线上。(26分 )



1. Hello, I am a pig, I am fat.I like__________.




2.What colour are the monkeys?---- _____________ brown.


B.They are

C.This is  

3. ---________ is this?-------It’s a pink pig.


B.What colour


4. What colour are the flowers?___________ red and purple

A.It is

B.They are

C.There are  

5. What do you like drinking in winter? I like drinking____________.

A.hot water

B.cold water

C.cold juice  

6.Tom ______________ a new pair of trousers.




7.___________ the bags? They are yellow and blue.

A.What colour are

B.What colour is

C.what colour are  

8.Winter is cold , We like ______________.

A.making snowmen

B.make snowman

C.make a paper rabbit  

9.I like my trousers.____________ very nice.

A.It is

B.They are


10. Summer is hot.I need ______________.

A.new T-shirt

B.new dress

C.new shorts  11.Look! It’s Sam.He ____________ a sweater, too.





A. It’s purple. B. I can see six butterflies. C.There’re five pears. D.I hear a chick,It’s goes”peep…peep E.They are brown F. I can hear a ship

1.What can you see?()

2.What colour is it?()

3.How many pears?()

4.What colour are they?()

5.What do you hear?()

6.What can you hear ?()


(一)Today is Kitty’s birthday. Kitty, her father and mother are in the room. There’s a big cake on the table. Kitty is eight years old. She’s thin and short. Her eyes are big. Her nose is small. She has a gift. It’s a nice watch. They eat the cake together. They are happy.

1.This is Kitty’s birthday.

2. Kitty and her parents(父母) are in the park.

3.Kitty has a nice book.

4.Look at Kitty. Her eyes are small. Her nose is small too.

5.Kitty eats the cake.

(二)It ‘s Sunday(周日) . It’s sunny and warm. Kitty and Alice are in the zoo. Look at the elephants . They are big. They have long noses. They are grey. The monkeys are brown and thin. They like eating bananas. They are naughty. The pandas are black and white. They are very lovely. Kitty and Alice are happy.

1. Kitty and Alice are in the park.

2.The elephants have long noses.

3.The monkeys are thin and naughty.

4.The monkeys like eating apples and bananas.

5.Kitty and Alice are happy.






1. meat——(答案)

2. Friday——(答案)

3. 图书卡——(答案)

4. basketball——(答案)

5. 狮子——(答案)

6. morning exercises——(答案)

7. 回家——(答案)

8. mouth——(答案)

9. 毛衣——(答案)

10. grandparent——(答案)

三、 选择正确的一项。

1. I have (答案) happy family.

A. a

B. an

2. Linda, share (答案) orange, please.

A. the

B. this

3. She is (答案) new friend, Jennifer.

A. we

B. our

4. Oh, (答案) is a big butterfly!

A. there

B. where

5. I'm (答案) the hospital.

A. go to

B. going to

四、 连词成句。

1. to , I'm , supermarket , going , the


2. so , is , Tiananmen Square , big


3. and , Beijing Duck , go , Let's , have


4. present , you , is , Here , a , for


5. is , today , Christmas , It








I. 听录音,圈出听到的单词:(10%)

1. hen pen           2. big pig

3. have has          4. book look

5. eyes ears         6. window door

7. tree three         8. love live

9. bear hear         10. sheep ship

II. 听录音,圈出听到的句子:(6%)

1. A. This is a dog.         B. This is a pig.

2. A. I can see an orange.   B. I can see an apple.

3.A. I live in Shanghai.     B. I love Shanghai.

4. A. Close the window, please.     B. Open the window, please.

5. A. Draw a duck on the paper.     B. Draw a chick on the paper.

6. A. There is a cat under the chair.      B. There is a hat on the chair.

III. 听录音,圈出正确的应答句:(10%)

1. A. I live in Beijing.    B. I’m from Beijing.

2. A. I’m five.              B. I’m fine.

3. A. Yes, I am.            B. Yes, I do.

4. A. It’s a square.         B. It’s blue.

5. A. I hear a bird.          B. I see a bird.

VI. 听录音,判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致,用“√”或“×”表示:(10%)

1. I can see a panda.              (  )

2. Look at the chick. It’s yellow.      (  )

3. The lamp is on the bed.          (  )

4. A rubber is on the desk.         (  )

5. Clean the desk, please.         (  )

VII. 听录音,连线:(10%)

1.  big and brown

2.   fat and pink

3.  small and thin

4.  black and white

5.  tall and grey


一. 听录音,找出与所听内容相符的选项,填序号。(10分)

( )1. A. cap B. car C. cat

( ) 2. A. desk B. chair C. dad

( ) 3. A. seventeen B. sixteen C. seven

( ) 4. A.under B. on C. in

( ) 5. woman B. man C. mother

二. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 (10分)

( )1 .A. I’m from the UK. B. I’m from the USA.

( )2. A. It has a small head. B. It has a short tail .

( )3. A. Where is the ruler ? B. Where is my pencil ?

( )4. A. Do you like pears ? B. Do you likes bananas ?

( )5. A.How many crayons do you have ?

B. How many crayons can you see ?

三. 听录音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,相符的写√,不相符的写×。(10分)

1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5.

( ) ( )

四. 听问句,选择正确的答语。(10分)

( )1.A.Fine ,thank you . B. How are you ?( )2.I can see 15. B.I have 15.

( )3.She is my mother . B. He is my father .

( )4.Yes ,I do . B.No .I do .

( )5.Yes ,it isn’t . B . No, it isn’t .




班级__________ 姓名___________ 成绩____________


一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。 20%

1. A. summer B. winter

2. A. panda B. tiger

3. A. plane B. train

4. A. bed B. bag

5. A. puzzle B. puppet

6. A Chinese B. English

7. A. seven B. eleven

8. A. bee B. fox

9. A.go to school B. go home

10.A There is a box. B. There is a bottle.

二、 听录音判断,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。16%

1. 2. 3. 4.

三、听录音, 给句子标序号。 4%

1. What do you like?

2. I can see a plane.

3. What lessons do you have?

4. Draw you and me.


一、 选出不同类的单词。6%

1. A. tiger B. panda C. sister

2. A. doll B. one C. yo-yo

3. A. Chinese B. Music C. winter

4. A. count B. three C. eight

5. A. blouse B. boat C. jacket

6. A. bear B. train C. jeep

二、 根据所给中文, 选出相应的英文单词,在括号内写出相应的序号。8%

1、猴子 A.lion B. monkey C. bear

2、数学 A.Maths B.boat C.dress

3、秋天 A.puppet B.nine C.autumn

4、男式衬衫 A.dress B.shirt C.T-shirt


1. 2. 3. 4.



1. What do you like? I like _______.

A. tiger B tigers

2. What can you see? _________a plane.

A. I can see B.I have

3. How many?

A. PE B. Eight

4. Do you like winter?

A. No,I don’t. B. Yes,I don’t.

5. 我可爱的洋娃娃。可说 _________.

A.a little bird B. My lovely doll

6. 当你进商店买东西,营业员对你说__________.

A. Can I help you? B. What can you see?

7. Where is the TV?,________.

A.It’s on the table. B. There is a TV.

8. It’s time to go to school.

A. Good night. B. Goodbye.



1.Good morning. A. I like bears.

2. Can I help you? B. I can see a doll.

3.What can you see? C. Thank you.

4. What do you like? D.Yes,I do.

5.Here you are. E. Good morning.

6. Do you like summer? F. I’d like a shirt.


1. Let’s count the eggs. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.It’s time to go to the park.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------


1.the, clean, water, Let’s, keep (.)

2.a, is, box, There (.)

3.go home, to, It’s, time (.)

4.winter, you, like, Do (?)


Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade One. I am in Class Three, Grade One, too. He is Number Eight, Row Five. I am Number Five, Row Four.

( )1.David___an American boy.

A. is B. am C. are

( )2.He is___ .

A. ten B. eleven C. twelve

( )3.Sun Wei is___ Class Three, Grade One.

A. in B. on C. of

( )4.David is in Row___ .

A. Four B. Five C. One

( )5.Sun Wei is Number___ .

A. Four B. Five D. Eight



2.C.从短文第五句"He is twelve."可以得出答案


4.B.从短文倒数第二句"He is Number Eight, Row Five."可以得出答案

5.B.从短文最后一句"I am Number Five, Row Four."可以得出答案


1.介绍自己姓名可以用句型"My name is ..."

2.介绍自己年龄可以用句型"I'm eleven/ten."

3.介绍自己所在班级和年级可以用句型"I'm in Class __X, Grade __X."

4.介绍自己学号,座位时可以用句型"I am Number __X, Row __X."


Greg Heffley is an 11-year-old boy. He is kind, honest, smart and naughty. He has a lot of ideas. He has a diary. In his diary, he writes many interesting stories about his life. He also draws cartoons in his diary. He has a lot of problems in school. But he makes a lot of trouble, too. He runs away from a school singing contest(比赛). He often wants to play tricks(捉弄) on others. But he always makes a fool of himself(出洋相). He is not good at making friends. But he wants to be the most popular in his school.

Greg is not a good role model (榜样). But US children like reading his diaries. In fact (实际上), everything Greg does, you should do the opposite (相反). Do you want to read about him?Go and read the book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid (《小__孩日记》). It won the Favorite Book award (奖项) at the 2010 Kids’ Choice Awards in the US.


1.( )Greg Heffley is an 11-year-old boy.

2.( )Greg Heffley has no idea,but he has a diary.

3.( )In his diary, he writes many interesting stories about his life.

4.( )He runs away from a school dancing contest(比赛).

5.( )Greg is not a good role model (榜样).


1.T.从文章第一句Greg Heffley is an 11-year-old boy.可以知道这句话是正确的。

2.F.从文章第三、第四句He has a lot of ideas. He has a diary.“Greg有很多鬼点子。他还有本日记。”可以知道题目中说“他没有鬼点子”是不对的啦。

3.T.从文章第五句In his diary, he writes many interesting stories about his life.“在日记里,他写了好多生活中有趣儿的故事。”可以知道这题是正确的。

4.F.从文章第九句He runs away from a school singing contest(比赛).“他从学校唱歌比赛中逃出来了。”可以知道题目中说的“舞蹈比赛”是错误的啦。

5.T.从文章第二段第一句Greg is not a good role model (榜样). “Greg可不是个好榜样。”可以知道这题是正确滴。想想也是啊,他老是捣乱、出状况,我们可不能学习他噢!


It’s the first day of school. Mike wants to go back to school. He wants to see his friends. He wants to meet his new teacher.

Mike gets up early in the morning. He washesand eats his breakfast. Then he rides his bike to school. He sees his friends on the playground. He plays hide-and-seek with them. In the classroom, Mike meets his new maths teacher. Her name is Mrs. Green. Mike likes Mrs Green. She can speak English very well. He thinks she is a nice teacher.

Card A: My New Words

1.__________ 2._________ 3.__________

4.__________ 5.__________ 6.___________

Card B: Key Sentences

1.He wants to see his friends ( watch TV/go swimming/play football / read books ).

2.He sees his classmates in the classroom / on the playground.

3.She can speak English very well.

Card C: Dialogue --- My School

Write three sentences about your school. Think about these questions:

1. What special rooms does it have?

2. What do you like about it?

3. What is your favorite class?


